Customers often ask if Addlestone Honey is 'natural' or 'organic'. Here's a summary of my answers to those questions.
Local Organic honey
In the UK, the term "Organic" has a specific legal definition. Achieving Organic status involves a costly 3-year process of scientific monitoring and testing, focusing on the area where the honeybees gather nectar.
Currently, no UK honey producers hold organic honey certification. To achieve the organic label, the Soil Association’s Organic farming standards require all beehives must be surrounded exclusively by organic crops or untouched land, which is too scarce in the UK.
Local natural honey
Natural honey comes directly from the hive and is free from any artificial additives. I ensure that my bees are not exposed to non-organic treatments or foods, allowing them to forage in their preferred locations. All of my bees are feral, having originated from swarms and open-mated queens. The initial colonies found their way into bait hives I placed in trees around Addlestone, where they established their homes.
National surveillance scheme results
In the summer of 2024, the local seasonal bee inspector took samples of honey comb from my hives for testing by the UK Veterinary Medicines Directorate as part of their statutory surveillance programme.
Thankfully, the results came back negative for all tested chemicals.
Click on the above image to see the results.